Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Introducing - "Snowflakes"

Introducing our new crisps from The Garden Snacks - "Snowflakes". A new crisps that get an enormous response from the customers when it first tested in the market on end of January 2008.

After all the response been taken care off, we are so glad to introduce our 2nd signature crisps "Snowflakes" will hit your taste bud a killer boom!! :)

A nice sweet crisps covered with snowy oat & cereals, a healthy crisps with tasty flavor that will make you and your kids can't resist it!!! Order now and make "Snowflakes" your alternative crisps for TV's and movies...:D


Anonymous said...

alamak...sebijik aaa cam kerepek popia gulung bergula mak aku...hehehe. Sira sambal pun sedap!

Anonymous said...

sy juga pnah buat.tapi guna nestum+susu tepung.